Markdown Style Guide

正文例子 This is a demo of all styled elements in Jekyll Now.

超链接例子如下 View the markdown used to create this post.

This is a paragraph, it’s surrounded by whitespace. Next up are some headers, they’re heavily influenced by GitHub’s markdown style.

H1 默认被占用了 第一种:通过在文字下方添加“=”和“-”,他们分别表示一级标题和二级标题。 第二种:在文字开头加上 “#”,通过“#”数量表示几级标题。一共只有1~6级标题,1级标题字体最大

Header 2 (H1 is reserved for post titles)

Header 3

Header 4

A link to Jekyll Now. A big ass literal link

An image, located within /images

an image alt text

在文字开头添加(, +, and -)实现无序列表。但是要注意在(, +, and -)和文字之间需要添加空格

  • A bulletted list
  • alternative syntax 1
  • alternative syntax 2
    • an indented list item


  1. An
  2. ordered
  3. list

Inline markup styles: 用两个_夹起来的是斜体 用两个*或者两个\__夹起来的是斜体

  • italics
  • bold
  • code()



Nested Blockquote

Syntax highlighting can be used with triple backticks, like so:

/* Some pointless Javascript */
var rawr = ["r", "a", "w", "r"];

Use two trailing spaces
on the right
to create linebreak tags

Finally, horizontal lines

Written on September 11, 2017